Update on Challenges Faced by some Struggling against the System

This 5-minute video details three distinctively different challenges we see many Russian orphans face.  Each of these young men, Alexei, Sasha, and Max, respond to the challenges in different ways, but each share a common struggle, discouragement.  When life seems to be a string of disappointments, betrayed and even victimized by what seems like every adult they've ever known, it can be quite a challenge to learn to trust, to learn to lean into the difficulties life sends their way.  

Take a moment to watch this video about the challenges these young men face. But, be sure to read further, for an update on the progress each of these young men are making, and the response of God's people to the needs expressed in this video.  

Because of the generosity of God's people in response to this video, all the funds came in to address the current stages of the needs mentioned here.  The Olienchenko's have now finished their kitchen upgrade, and it is beautiful! They hosted me there for dinner in August, and Ann and I were both there again with them at the beginning of December. 

Olienchenko's kitchen project - Before & After - (left) Max with adopted sons Sasha and Vanya helping demo - (right) Sophia gives Ann a violin concert, as Vanya tries to ignore her, and Makar chugs a juice carton in the background.

God is still at work resolving the housing issues for Sasha and Alexei too.  The money raised for Alexei helped him file the documents he needed to file, but the path to finally resolving his housing needs is still unclear.  For Sasha, this phase of his struggle within the system is one of legally separating himself from the financial liabilities of his brother.  The resources provided have enabled him to secure legal representation, and his case is so far floundering in and out of the courts. Please pray for God's intervening hand, and favor from the powers that be.

There are still plenty of needs this ministry is trying to address.  So, if you are led to contribute to this ongoing work, please access our online giving page. For security reasons, you will not see our name, just our account number #9024.

Those of you who've followed this work for a while, already know these young men, who Ann and I have had the privilege of walking with since their preteen years.  We've seen them each get knocked down and have the courage to pick themselves up again. I know the hope they have that gives them that courage comes only from learning that they have a Heavenly Father who loves them unconditionally, and who created them for a purpose.  Though I totally attribute their success in life to their Heavenly Father, I still feel a fatherly pride as I see these three men embracing manhood more courageously every day.  Grateful to see God's heart for the orphan evident in these men's lives.  It's a mighty heart, a compassionate heart, it's a transforming heart.  

If you're new to this ministry, you might want to check out our current financial update to get an overview of the needs related to this ongoing work.